Who am I and what is this blog all about


My name is Natasa Bozic Grojic. Welcome to my blog.

I am a teacher of English from Belgrade, Serbia. I teach adults and I have been in this job for 21 years. My school is called Zaduzbina Ilije M. Kolarca and it is the oldest school of foreign languages in Belgrade. It was founded 77 years ago. We are an accredited member of EAQUALS.

I am interested in Web 2.0 and its application in education. I am a lifelong online learner and a proud member of Webheads in Action.

You can find out more about my online activities if you look at my Netvibes page. I find this page very handy, as it enables me to keep everything I do on the internet in one place.

I am also a wife and a mother. My son's name is Luka and he is 10 years old. These pictures of him are from the time he was eight. He is much taller now.


I enjoy reading good books, watching good films, taking long walks, spending time with my family and writing. I have been passionate about writing ever since I was a little girl. That's probably why I enjoy blogging so much.

I mostly blog about TEFL and technology. As a teacher, I am eager to share my experience and talk to other teachers about what goes on in the classroom. As an online learner, I am on the lookout for new tools that I can use with my students.

The alias I often use on the Internet is lunas994. I started using it way back, when I was afraid of using my real name online and the name stayed. For example, I am @lunas994 on Twitter.

If you like this blog, you can subscribe to it via RSS or via email. You can also follow me on Twitter.

I hope that you will come here often. Your suggestions and comments are always welcome.

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