Photo Credit: Leo Reynolds via Compfight cc
My blog was born on January 22nd, eight years ago. There have been ups and downs and I don't update it as often as I used to, but it has been an incredible tool for personal and professional growth. It has provided reflective practice and served as a learning eportfolio. It has helped me connect to other bloggers from my niche and grow, both as a teacher and as a writer.
Happy birthday, blog.
Dear Natasa
Happy birthday to you, and your blog!! Wow, 8 years have passed already, and you have done so many interesting things via your blog. It truly has opened up so many exciting opportunities, hasn't it?
Now I am inspired to do a similar post for my blog, I kind of forgot to mention it last year! We both started our blogging journey in the same year, 2008, but you started at the begining of 2008, and I began right at the end. It's been fascinating following your progress, and have I have learned so much from you and our fellow bloggers!!
May you continue to blog for many years to come, and carry on being an inspiration!
Dear Janet,
I have left you a comment on your blog birthday post. Yes, it has been quite a journey and I believe blogging has transformed my career in so many ways. I just hope I could do it more often these days. I should try harder.
nice blog
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